
GreenScreen Certified® Firefighting Foam v2.1 Webinar

June 23, 2021 GreenScreen Events Webinars and Videos

View presentations by and a discussion with Arlene Nuñez, Holly Davies, and Shari Franjevic on the value of PFAS-free firefighting foam and GreenScreen Certified®.

  • Arlene Nuñez is an active firefighter with the San Francisco Fire Department (SFFD) and serves on the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation (SFFCPF).
  • Holly Davies is a Senior Toxicologist with the Washington State Department of Health.
  • Shari Franjevic is the GreenScreen Program Manager with Clean Production Action.

For decades, chemical manufacturers have manufactured PFAS-containing aqueous film-forming foams (AFFF), and firefighters have unknowingly been exposed to them during use in petroleum-based fires, training, and testing of equipment. PFAS use in firefighting foam has contaminated drinking water for millions of people across the planet. Today nearly every US resident and place in the world is contaminated with PFAS chemicals. Upstream users like firefighters, experience increased rates of cancer diagnosis and death.

We look forward to continuing to implement solutions that transform the toxic chemicals economy into one that is safe, healthy, and just for all people and the planet.

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Related Bios

Arlene Nuñez
Firefighter & Board member of the San Francisco Firefighter Cancer Prevention Foundation
Holly Davies
Senior Toxicologist, Washington State Department of Health